
Pre market

Post market

  • We come in with a non true gap higher
  • Given the conext of a consolidation in an up market and the excess on the bottom i am interested on the long side
  • I try two times with potential failing  of a down move which could have been the correction of overnight inventory
  • But market is not able to go higher and falls the whole day
  • We end with a trend day / liquidation day down

Is this the end of the up direction? Lets see what we have:

  • 88 points of range is serious selling but not catastrophic
  • Same is true for the volume with 1.5 mio
  • When i look at the starting point and the way they sold it i think there was a big part of old money and not so much new money in this selling
  • We have to wait and see. If we see value clean lower tomorrow and in a few days acceptance below the trend from low of year i will of course change my opinion
  • On the bigger picture the weekly in one time framing up
  • I think it´s important if we finally see a breakout of that december high or if we fail to do that
  • For now everything is ok for the bulls
  • Every dollar with a long only benchmark that is not invested is a short dollar which eventually has to cover


  • Lets see what we get on top of yesterday trending day
  • Remember that the market on the larger timeframes is trying to break the big 2022 down trend
  • Gap up and small fade to y rth h and poc. Poc was on top, indicating that the auction is not finished
  • Not able to go deeper in y range
  • As an (sometimes too) pro-active trader i always buy the first failing down -move in these auctions
  • Getting my max max targets easy with my „scale.-out-triangle“
  • I tagged it as a trendday. But it is more a covering day or lets say something in between


  • We have third friday of the month = bigger options expiry
  • This can sometimes lead to pinning in single stocks which can make the index choppy
  • Open and test down
  • Fail and go trendday up
  • Open-test-drive trending day

My rule no 1: See what is... not what should be


  • Market trading near swing high
  • Suddenly with some fed-speaking they start to sell
  • I tried a long at last weeks vpoc
  • But they sold it off the whole day with a trending day
  • Classic buyers shut off, where one day of selling negates multiple green days
  • One day doesn´t make a marke, but for now it looks like we roll over


Pre market narrative:

  • We are in an 11 day balance area
  • In that sense the market is in Balance
  • It is waiting for new information
  • Tomorrow we have inflation data and ism. On friday we have nfp.

Post market summary:

  • We continue to fall in an unimpressive way
  • We are not able to go below y rth l
  • Powell mentions something about eventually slowing the pace of rate hikes
  • The market explodes to the upside with good volume
  • We clearly take out the high of the bigger balance area. Remains to be seen if we find acceptance above
  • It is always the same. The market tests into new territory. We have to see if it finds acceptance or rejection
  • Of course, there was much short covering involved. But i think by far that was not only short covering.
  • Of course, this was triggered by Powell. But to what degree did he really back that move? Was there really so much new information? Or was the market anyway ready to go higher?


Big Picture

  • We have a large downtrend which is intact
  • We are close to the trendline and have to see if we are able to break the downtrend
  • Are the lows of the year in?
  • Makes zero sense to think about this. Do not listen to the media. Let MGI guide you.


Middle picture

  • We see an uptrend which is not very dynamic. Balance areas overlap. 
  • Nice balance area from the last 8 days
  • The destination trade worked perfectly from excess at the bottom to the top
  •  I ignore the two holidays. I see todays open as a test of wednesday low
  • We opened below wednesday low
  • The first minutes looked like we reject lower prices
  • But we quickly ran out of steem and fell the rest of the day 
  • You can formally call it a trend day. But for a gamechanging  trendday down this is not enough range and not enough volume
  • We have two days left for this month. I try to stay neutral

A thought that came to my mind tonight:

Good entries show you fast and clear when you are wrong


  • Open with large gap up after cooled inflation number
  • Starts with a little inventory correction
  • Remaining day up in a controlled way
  • These are the days where the market does what it should 


  • We ended the day before with a spike
  • A spike is a price probe late in the session
  • In the next session it is interesting to see, where we get acceptance relative to the spike
  • We opened above the spike and never tested inside it. 
  • Consequently covering started which developed into a trending day
  • Very interesting so see how strong the market ist despite these bad earnings in tech stocks


  • We have a 4 day balance area which is inside of a bigger 4 week balance area
  • We open at the lower end of y range and the 4 day balance area
  • We test below and fail
  • We move up strongly almost to the upper end of the 4 day balance
  • Not a classic trending day because we had a strong corrective move 

What about next trading week?

  • There was much covering in this up-move
  • We will see if longer term buyers will also come in
  • The last rallys were all sold off
  • Most important earnings week
  • Be objective and open to all possible outcomes: 1) look above and go 2) look above and fail 3) door no 3 is balance,
  • Do not go into overnight swing positions. These will lead to bias and kill your daytrading objectivity
  • Start each day flat and open minded and enjoy low risk daytrading 


  • Very large gap down
  • Ultra massive covering-trend-day

Large gaps

  • The larger the gap the more  promising is the fade
  • The larger the gap the more dangerous is to go with it