
Ambiguity of trading

  • This is typical for the ambiguity of trading. On one timeframe the market looks ultra bullish and is a strong buy. But on the smaller timeframe the market has already moved a good amount in a short period of time on poor structure (single prints)
  • As a pro active person i have more fear of missing out as of a loosing trade. In the past i often was too agressive in these situations and bought too high in relation to tf1.

Combining two timeframes

  • You have to combine two time frames. I call the timeframe that i trade tf0. You can also call it daytype. In the hierarchy of timeframes i am a „daytrader“. Below me are the „scalpers“. Above me are the „short term traders“. I call the timeframe above me tf1.  
  • The most important thing is what is happening live at the moment
  • But this you have to embed in what the timeframes above are doing

Skipping a timeframe

  •  On tf1 we have a strong emotional move which happened in the last two days. Of course, anything can happen, but it would be normal if this at one time starts to balance out and create a covering-p-profile, This is exactly what i have to keep in mind to protect me from buying too agressive in the region of  yesterdays high, even if the trade fits perfect in the actual day type tf0.
  • This doesn´t mean that i am not allowed to buy there. But i have to carry this point forward and take it into account when deciding in the live-moment.
  • It is easy to make the mistake of skipping a timeframe. If i say the market is trying to breakout from the balance area of the last 10 days  i miss that it already moved strong for two days

Do not skip a timeframe

  • tf0: Lets see what happens today
  • tf1: Emotional buying for two days
  • tf2: Trying to break out of 10 day balance




Pre market narrative

Post Market summary

  • We had a ultra huge gap of nearly 3% after inflation data
  • We closed that gap to 100%
  • Many trader who trade for decades told that they cannot remember such a huge gap close on the first day in the ES


Pre market narrative

  • This market can do whatever it wants especially with the coming news
  • If it goes up we normally  would expect some kind of excess on the downside before that
  • Tomorrow CPI, wednesday FED
  • Often we have balance or non-trend behaviour on these days before big news


Post market summary

  • Again sellers get no traction
  • We get covering 
  • We close above the 4 day balance with a price probe in K,L,M

Always remember, especially when it seems to be a clear context:

The worst thing a trader can have is only one idea

Trade what is, not what should be


  • Not much to say
  • Not my market
  • Breakeven is fine on these day
  • If you control your downside, the winners take care of themselves

In dating and in trading:

When you need nothing you get everything 


Big Picture

  • We have a large downtrend which is intact
  • We are close to the trendline and have to see if we are able to break the downtrend
  • Are the lows of the year in?
  • Makes zero sense to think about this. Do not listen to the media. Let MGI guide you.


Middle picture

  • We see an uptrend which is not very dynamic. Balance areas overlap. 
  • Nice balance area from the last 8 days
  • The destination trade worked perfectly from excess at the bottom to the top
  •  I ignore the two holidays. I see todays open as a test of wednesday low
  • We opened below wednesday low
  • The first minutes looked like we reject lower prices
  • But we quickly ran out of steem and fell the rest of the day 
  • You can formally call it a trend day. But for a gamechanging  trendday down this is not enough range and not enough volume
  • We have two days left for this month. I try to stay neutral

A thought that came to my mind tonight:

Good entries show you fast and clear when you are wrong


Whipsaw massacre

  • Gap up after inflation numbers in a already piled on situation
  • The market is of course vulnerable for at least a fade
  • It is an open-auction out of balance which goes up and down through the open several times
  • If you expect imbalance, like i did, this is the recipe for a whipsaw massacre
  • You get in several times, you reverse positions but you do not get paid
  • I was in for the fade or the liquidation several times but always got chopped out
  • When the liquidation came (triggered by ukraine news) i was already out

Thougths on the Market

  • We took out a daily high and are offiicially in balance on the daily now
  • Interesting to see how the market came back in the afternoon
  • Liquidations strenghten a market because they take out longs. These longs have now sold. This means a) This sell already happened and b) they can become new buyers (normally again at bad location)
  • I would not be surprised if we open higher tomorrow


Liquidation break

  • We open in y balance
  • Try a little down, try a little up
  • You can feel that the market is a little bit too long, that buyers run out of bullets
  • Consequently, after 2pm we get a nice liquidation break
  • These breaks are hard to trade. When you have enough confirmation (speed) price has already moved a long distance
  • I do not sit in a trade waiting for a liquidation break. The most important thing is to recognize that it can happen and as a consequence not sit in a long trade 


  • Small gap up
  • A period checks back in upper distribution from yesterday and fails
  • We start one time framing higher
  • It looks very stable. Contextually we should have more covering potential
  • I hit a 20P Target.
  • I decide to let a runner run
  • For me a runner is a trade that i let free of narrow trade management because i think contextually we have room for more (narrative completion, destination trade)
  • On Friday i had a similar trade on the short side

Intention of runners

  • The intention is to trade the structure of the day as a whole with a small remaining position
  • I do this with minimal path dependancy. I do not want to get shaken out by normal contra rotations
  • If it works you make big profit and you feel good, because you saw the structure of the market as a whole instead of having to scalp around small in fight with the algos
  • In volatile times i sometimes need 2-3 trials before i am in a running trade. In that case i feel that i need to profit accordingly. If this goes too far and you trade your p&l instead of the market this is of course a big problem.  

Problem with runners

  • Volatility of p&L increases which has much effects:  1) Calmness of mind decreases 2) Ability to increase size decreases
  • To balance these large disadvantages runners should have a large positive financial outcome. This is not the case 

Believes to influence my behaviour with runners

  1. The market is full of intraday speculators       (too long, too short, need to liquidate/cover)
  2. Money comes from size and size comes from stability


  • This market is in maximum indecision
  • We gap up and fail clearly
  • Unexpected we fail to go down and rise sharply
  • Again unexpected we sell off hard
  • Only to again unexpected get no follow through and cover 

How to handle next week

  • Many times it is a question of timeframe
  • If the environment is readable it is good to catch the larger intraday moves
  • If like now the market is in big indecision it should be better to trade a shorter timeframe
  • At the moment short term traders and algos get shaken around. Ohhh, it´s going down, let´s short it, f* no follow through we have to cover, ….
  • I expect this behaviour to continue the following week. We have midterm elections on tuesday and cpi on thursday
  • Look at the daily chart. You can see the indecision in the overlapping value areas
  • On the weekly chart on the left we see that sellers had the chance to get an outside week down but they were not able to get it
  • Until we get more clearity try to trade a little bit smaller timeframe !!!


Trading day

  • Open with huge gap up at top of overnight session with 100% long overnight inventory
  • This is an invitation to go for the fade which worked out fine
  • For me unepected they filled the gap completely

Middle picture and how to act

  • We produced a red candle but nevertheless this was a positive day for the bulls as we accepted higher prices compared to the days before
  • We now have a choppy 3-week-balance area which is not my favorite
  • We also have Q3 earnings at the moment
  • I think at the moment the map is unclear
  • For daytrading: Be extremely objective. Do not develop biases. When in doubt get out. Cash in instead of making larger destination trades
  • Be a collector – not a hunter
  • Go for base hits – not homeruns