
  • We come in near yesterdays rth high
  • We see an expected inventory correction followed by a directional move. So far so good
  •  The problem is that the ranges are small. You need to invest some points to identify inflection points and get into a running trade. When you want an adequate win potential you end up seeing that you dont get your targets
  • The market does not care about your risk/reward
  • At the moment we have low volatility. YOU have to adapt to this
  • Only take the best entries. Scale out defensively.
  •  Low volatility one time leads to high volatility 
  • The last days i am loosing. But i am loosing very small. This is a normal professional drawdown.
  • I improved my trading clearly by focusing more on short term inventory and less on the timeframes above. I enter trades AFTER correction of short term inventory
  • In the past i regularly enterd trades more based on medium timeframes which leads to expensive fomo based entries
  • If i would not have improved that way i would have a huge drawdown in actual environment, not a small one