
  • This market is in maximum indecision
  • We gap up and fail clearly
  • Unexpected we fail to go down and rise sharply
  • Again unexpected we sell off hard
  • Only to again unexpected get no follow through and cover 

How to handle next week

  • Many times it is a question of timeframe
  • If the environment is readable it is good to catch the larger intraday moves
  • If like now the market is in big indecision it should be better to trade a shorter timeframe
  • At the moment short term traders and algos get shaken around. Ohhh, it´s going down, let´s short it, f* no follow through we have to cover, ….
  • I expect this behaviour to continue the following week. We have midterm elections on tuesday and cpi on thursday
  • Look at the daily chart. You can see the indecision in the overlapping value areas
  • On the weekly chart on the left we see that sellers had the chance to get an outside week down but they were not able to get it
  • Until we get more clearity try to trade a little bit smaller timeframe !!!