
Pre market

  • We have seen two downward moves on tf 2
  • Yesterday we had a covering p
  • Inventory is very short. There is room for more covering

Post market

  • We come in high and go beyond rth h. Perfect scenario for covering
  • Market only grinds higher very slow. Are there sellers absorbing? Anyhow we reach my target at the old low (yellow line)
  • I think that it could roll over to the short side. I am (as often) a little bit too early in that trade but finally it works
  • I think this short has great potential as several timeframes come together
  • In l-period it clearly fails to follow through. I close my short and change to long as the inventory is very short at this moment
  • I really saw the potential and had the hope of going lower. But I stayed very objective here and saw what is. Good job

Other thoughts

  • The starting point (factor price) was good for a short: The market needs to rally before it can break
  • But we are on day 2 of the consolidation. The market needs time to balance. 
  • Give more weight on factor time