Given the conext of a consolidation in an up market and the excess on the bottom i am interested on the long side
I try two times with potential failing of a down move which could have been the correction of overnight inventory
But market is not able to go higher and falls the whole day
We end with a trend day / liquidation day down
Is this the end of the up direction? Lets see what we have:
88 points of range is serious selling but not catastrophic
Same is true for the volume with 1.5 mio
When i look at the starting point and the way they sold it i think there was a big part of old money and not so much new money in this selling
We have to wait and see. If we see value clean lower tomorrow and in a few days acceptance below the trend from low of year i will of course change my opinion
On the bigger picture the weekly in one time framing up
I think it´s important if we finally see a breakout of that december high or if we fail to do that
For now everything is ok for the bulls
Every dollar with a long only benchmark that is not invested is a short dollar which eventually has to cover