
Pre market

Post market

What happened

  • We opened with gap up
  • Had a little fade and then tried to go higher but failed
  • I saw this and shorted it. In these situations i often want to see the short develop fast. I close these trades too early, because the fact that we are holding the gap at this moment makes me feel uncomfortable in the short.
  • Be more confident in this situation. Give the trade more time to develop even if it is against the gap. There is enough long inventory which has to liquidate
  • We made a liquidation b but were not able to enter y rth
  • On the other hand there were no buyers to create a real change to the upside
  • We ended the day with value clean higher

Mental part

  • I ended with a small loss which i accepted totally. There was no attempt to fight this daily loss. This makes me happy because the acceptance of daily losses is my actual main point on which i work
  • The techniques of trading auction market theory are not that complicated. It is the mental part ot the game which makes the real difference