
Pre market

Post market


  • Expansion of range on fed day
  • Yesterday looked strong but failed hard
  • Market has potential to roll over to the short side


  • Several times it looked like a change in control but did not follow through on either side
  • Sellers attempted to go lower but finally were not able
  • Consequently seller got ripped apart in E-period
  • Although it seemed to be clear in favour of buyers/covering now we saw a pullback in F almost to vwap
  • I was a little bit too early in this long but it worked
  • You can say the early entry was a soft form of revenge trading. But you can also say when you expect more covering it is fine to enter offensive

The week ahead

  • The fact that it did not roll over is positive
  • But it is negative that we still have to clear this downtrendline
  • The QQQs are stronger. Be careful trading ES and watching NQ
  • The market is stll very indecisive. Do not take too much position risk. When in doubt, take the smaller target. Cash in